The Coalition of Ontario Watershed Guardians




The Coalition, a public outreach channel of the Ontario Headwaters Institute, seeks to engage people and organizations in campaigns to protect  watershed security – healthy and resilient watersheds that ensure regional ecological integrity, social wellbeing, and economic vitality.  Campaigns may include petitions, publications, submissions, and/or other aspects of community action.   

Organizational Structure and Campaign Development

Operating Guidelines

  • The Ontario Headwaters Institute will manage the Coalition of Ontario Watershed Guardians while following the principles and protocols of not-for-profit organizations set by the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee of Ontario, adhering to provincial statutes and exercising due diligence in its affairs.
  • Individuals and organizations become Watershed Guardians either by simply subscribing to the e-newsletter of the Ontario Headwaters institute or by supporting a campaign. 
  • Any Watershed Guardian can suggest a campaign.
  • When needed, the OHI will invite Guardians to be part of a Roundtable to discuss and develop a Campaign for Watershed Security. A campaign may include petitions, publications, submissions, and/or other aspects of community engagement, per the drawing above. 
  • Discussions in any Campaign Roundtable will be held digitally, with Guardians conducting themselves in good faith toward others.
  • Roundtable discussions will be informal and seek to obtain a consensus on general direction or suggested actions.    
  • All Guardians will be informed of and invited to support any Campaigns, while no Guardian is obligated to do so


Please contact the Coalition via